Thursday, September 24, 2015

He is always FAITHFUL

1 Thessalonians 5:24 (MSG)
23-24 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it! ( That he will finish the work he has done not only in us but also in the lives of the children in Zambia.)

I love how the Message Version says it. "If he said it, he'll do it.!"

There have been so many waves that have come and gone as we have been taking steps toward making this journey to Zambia. Waves of fear, doubt, feeling alone, restlessness, lack of control, good-byes and in the beginning even denial.

Just as sure as those waves come though comes; faith, knowing, being held, peace, surrender, eternal purposes and acceptance. More than ever at this very moment I have this deep knowing and REST that He is completely able.

Now just because we KNOW that HE has this.. doesn't mean that we are asked to not take continued steps. We still are to continue giving an invitation for those to join in what HE is doing. This whole time He has been confirming in me that as we step out in faith then he WILL move. As we continue to fix our eyes on HIM that HE will provide. He already has the people in place he wants to use to reach these specific kiddos in Zambia. Each one. 

So just as it's been difficult it's been easy to rest and be at peace and not try to figure out the math and how we are going to get our selves there. It's not about us. So it's left in His capable hands. So many times and I am guilty of this myself; we put him in a box. We tell him what He is able to do. When really if our eyes are on Him he shows us just how capable He is to do way more than we could even hope for.

We are preparing to head out for training tomorrow morning. We had a little hiccup this morning so thankful for being able to be flexible and just roll with it; we will be heading out in the morning. We plan to drive to Lebanon, Kentucky and stay with a Pastor and his sweet wife thanks to " A Candle in the Window" ministry. Then Saturday we will drive to Union Mills, NC where we will settle in to our apartment (eeeeeeeeeek.. so excited). Orientation begins on Sunday and we anticipate so much meeting other families who are going through similar journeys. We are ready for the next leg of this journey.

While most would look at 33% supported as not much(monthly and start up costs), we are encouraged because though we aren't at 100%; Our support is growing at a steady rate and we know that the Lord already has it all figured out. We are officially OVER a THIRD of the way to being FULLY supported. How AWESOME is our God. Completely awesome and completely capable.  When we were first handed our budget I doubted that God could even bring us THIS far.  What little faith I had. I'm thankful that this process is a faith growing process.  In the beginning of our journey we were asked if we could have someone hand us over a check with all the money we needed (or have a wealthy relative you didn't know leave you a large inheritance) or go through the process of support raising what would we choose.  My honest answer was; give me the check. Now I look back and it was just an ignorant answer because the Lord is using this process to grow my faith as well as teach me to trust wholly in him.  That and THE people who have been brought on our team are amazing people who have encouraged us SO much. Who we have also had the opportunity to love on and encourage as well.  God's got the perfect design and as easy as the other option may seem.  He has us do everything for a purpose. 

We cannot wait to share with you our experience as we go to CIT ( Please continue to lift up our family in prayer during this transition. Pray that the first week goes better than we could imagine. Pray that the Lord would continue to lay us on people's hearts. This last week we had a sweet lady call us out of the blue. Someone we didn't know but she heard our story through someone in her Bible Study. It was such a blessing to us to hear about people advocating and sharing what the Lord is doing in and through our family.

Here is our online page ( )and we would love to meet up with you when we return home from training to share our hearts as well. We are looking for people, businesses and churches who will partner with us on a monthly basis from now until we return home (we have made a 3 year commitment). We would love more than anything to have your family come along with us on this journey.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

September Newsletter

Please consider partnering with us to impact lives of orphans and at-risk children. 
September 5, 2015
Dear Supporters, Friends and Family,                                                           
First of all I hope this letter finds you well! We are thankful for your obedience in supporting the work the Lord has laid on our hearts, whether financially or prayerfully. Over the last month through your support and the Lord’s provision, we have reached 28% in monthly support and startup costs. Although we still have a ways to go, we know that God is faithful. We continue to lift up all of our supporters in prayer, so if you have a testimony to share or you would like prayer for anything, please let us know.

Next we want to take a minute to discuss where we will be serving in Zambia. Some of you may already know this but many of you may not. We will be based in a city called Mongu in the western province of the country.

Mongu is on the western edge of the Zambezi river flood plain. The terrain there is mainly savannah and in rain season I am told the view is breathtaking. Lusaka is the main city and the capital of Zambia. It is roughly a 12 hour drive from Lusaka to Mongu. So we get to look forward to a scenic drive to restock on supplies periodically. We will be working at the multiple sites that Kids Alive has operating in Zambia. That would include four children’s homes, part of the Lilato Children’s Village in Mongu. There are also two children’s homes in Lusaka and those are part of their Chikondi Children’s Village. In addition they have the Kids Alive Academy near Mongu and they are currently working on expanding their Jerusalem school in Mongu.

The end of this month we will be preparing for another move.  We will be heading to North Carolina on September 24, 2015.  This training will help prepare us as well as our children to minister and to adapt to a new culture. 

Please continue to lift us up in prayer as all of our children who are used to being home with Brandy during the day will be in a class and childcare setting.
Thank you for your continued prayers as we continue to meet with people and churches and invite them to join us on this journey to Zambia.    
If you feel the Lord moving on your heart to partner with us in this journey there are a few ways you can do so:  
Commit to partner with us financially on a monthly basis.  While we are preparing to go, these funds will help cover our startup costs. When we move to Zambia, these will help sustain our family and ministry.
Commit to pray for our family as we prepare, and for our Zambian brothers and sisters that we will minister with. 
Commit to being an advocate for us! Help come alongside us by inviting us to meet others you know who may be interested in joining our partnership team.Another thing we are in search of is large luggage pieces with wheels.  If you have one you would like to donate we would so much appreciate that. Just let us know and we can pick them up.
To make a commitment or donate online, go to:
Or to donate by phone, call: 1-800-543-7330 
Once again thank you for your faithful support and I assure you it is not taken for granted. If you have any prayer needs or would like to contact us we would love to hear from you.  Feel free to call or text at any time.  
In His Service,
Brandon and Brandy Fuller
(Josiah, Elizah, Amayah, Briellah and Jediah)
219-613-1518- Cell phone

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 My name is Brandon Fuller and my wife, Brandy, and I were recently commissioned as missionaries with Kids Alive International to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Mongu, Zambia. We have 5 children who range in age from 8 months to nine years old. 

Kids Alive rescues children who are orphaned, victims of abuse, homelessness, poverty, disease or war and places them into one of our Children’s Homes, Care Centers or School programs best suited to meet their needs. Founded in 1916, KAI is an action-oriented Christ-centered organization that believes every child deserves to live free from the bondage of hunger, abuse, and exploitation. Further, Kids Alive International’s commitment to Biblical truth empowers us to deliver life’s essentials with compassion and excellence. Kids Alive also leverages partnerships to empower both families and entire communities to share faith, knowledge and develop the infrastructure necessary to facilitate self-sustainability. KAI is currently impacting the lives of over 5,700 children in 15 countries. In Zambia, there are more than 1.4 million orphans, many of them due to the pervasiveness of AIDS. Many of these children are left to roam the streets, scavenging for food and items that can be sold or traded to earn money. They are in danger of starving to death or if they do survive preadolescence, they are often victimized by illegal sex trafficking.  Beginning in January 2016, serving as the Facilities/Construction Project Manager I will facilitate the acquisition of carpentry and construction skills to Mongu residents. These skills can be subsequently applied both personally and professionally resulting in a higher standard of living and additional employment opportunities. Also included in this initiative to create self-sustaining communities through practical education is basic automotive mechanical training designed to equip locals with the knowledge to facilitate vehicle repair, preventative maintenance and allow individuals and families to retain employment, income and transportation.  I will also be managing projects that Kids Alive Zambia begins as well as maintaining the current properties.  There are other roles and responsibilities that we will take on and we can't wait to share more about  those as we begin working in Zambia.   Moreover, in conjunction with the resident Kids Alive International ministry we will help to educate children and improve schools as well as general living conditions. We also want to focus on supporting their practical and spiritual needs while preparing them for the rest of their lives.  Most importantly, we will share the message of the gospel with these children.  Our hearts are to see these children have hope in Jesus and be empowered to share that hope with others. 

 Our monthly budget is currently $6300 a month which includes living and ministry expenses. We also have a budget of almost $38000.00 for startup costs (a vehicle once we get to Zambia, pre-field training, setting up a home when we get there, etc.)  The need for hands on help is great and we are asking individuals and churches to partner with us on a monthly basis at $100.00 a month or whatever the Lord is leading.  We cannot purchase airline tickets to fly until we are fully funded and we have monthly commitments made and started.  We leave for pre-field training September 24 and hope to be at 80% at that point.  We are currently at 30% in monthly support and for startup costs.  We tentatively plan to be fully funded in December so we can be in Zambia in January. The term we have committed to is three years. We will be leaving in January of 2016 and returning in 2019. Our goal is to be obedient in following where the Lord leads our family and to do our part to fulfill the great commission and the mandate in James 1:27 to care for orphans. If you would like to contact us I have listed our email and cell phone number below. Thank you and God Bless.  We welcome you to make this journey caring for orphans and at-risk children with our family.  Brandon and Brandy Fuller * 219-613-1518 *

Friday, May 29, 2015


Everything in my life is forcing me to humility. I'm a pretty independent person. I don't like to ask for anything I'd much rather just work hard and figure things out ourselves. This is not the life the Lord is leading us to though. I'm thankful for those in our lives that are walking this journey with us and giving even if they don't feel they have much to give. I'm thankful they are willing to be stretched right along with us. I'm thankful that he is stretching me as well; my deepest desire is just to be like him and hold nothing back. I've had a few moments of feeling like this is the stupidest decision we've ever made, while other times feeling like it is so good to just be obedient and I'm really enjoying life at this moment. Yes this is the reality of my life right now. I feel raw and emotional, counting down the months until we are Zambia bound. It's crazy to think in seven months, yes, SEVEN, I will be saying good-bye to my friends and family. Getting my last (for three years, 36 months, 1095 days) hug from my mama which I get to see right now multiple times a day. My last sister friend date (for a long while) with one of my best friends. Last hug from my grandma and siblings and good friends I hold dear. I'm holding fast to Him knowing this crazy journey I'm on is part of his very best plan for me. Yes, I am thrilled to be on Zambian soil but I also am feeling a whirlwind of emotion about being an ocean away from those we love. He is faithful, so faithful, and through all this transition there is peace.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May Newsletter

Inline image
Dear Supporters, Friends and Family,                                                                                                    
May 14, 2015
     We just want to first of all take a moment with very grateful hearts to thank those who have come along side us as monthly supporters (prayer and financial) as well as those who have given one time gifts.   We thank God for each of you and pray for you faithfully (on a daily basis).  The Lord has been so faithful to provide we are so thankful to bring each of you along on this journey as we together obey the command in James 1:27 to care for orphans.
     The last couple months have been a whirlwind.  We have spent so much time purging and giving away items from our home, preparing our home to be listed, and fixing up the camper we were preparing to move into.  We met with a realtor and listed our home and seven days later had our first offer and five days later had a signed purchase agreement.  We are still in the process of waiting for our home to close, but we have officially moved into what we are calling our “little cottage” in the woods.  The reality of going to Zambia is hitting home.
Every single step of the way the Lord has been bringing just the encouragement needed even in the moments of discouragement.  He continues to bring faithful supporters and those in our path who have been such a blessing and encouragement along the way.  One thing he has been showing us is that all it takes is willingness to obey. He’s been stretching us and we know though at times it doesn’t feel good that ultimately it is for our good. 
The need is great for hands on help in many areas after a Leader in Mongu, Pastor Lubinda, passed away after a battle with malaria.  We have felt such an urgency to get to Zambia at the same time we know everything is in the Lord’s timing.  We also were offered the opportunity to commit to a three year term verses our original two year term and we were happy to accept. 
Our plan is to be heading to pre-field training sometime in September and then be ready to head to Zambia in January.  The Lord has been so faithful to continue to bring supporters.  As soon as we close on our home, Brandon plans to reduce his hours at work to allow time to continue building partnerships.  We are excited about this new season as we continue to walk by faith.  We just also had a t-shirt designed so if you would like to support us in this way we will be taking pre-orders very soon. All funds will go toward our start-up costs.  Keep watching our facebook page to know how you can get an order into us.
Thank you again for your faithful support.  It is truly an honor to partner with each of you and an honor to pray for your families.  If you have any new prayer needs please let us know.  You can reach us by email or telephone.  We would love to hear from you. 
In His Service,
Brandon and Brandy Fuller & Family
You can reach us by calling 219-202-4332 and emailing at or messaging us on facebook.
Our budget is divided up into “Startup Costs” and “Monthly Costs”. We also need a team of people who will commit to pray and advocate for us. Our time for leaving may seem far away, but we need to be preparing. Part of that is discovering now who will stand with us in this journey of ministry. There are several ways you can partner with us:
·       Commit to give a special gift toward our startup costs. 
·       Commit to give monthly.  While we are preparing to go, these funds will help cover our startup costs. When we move to Zambia, these will help sustain our family and ministry.
·       Commit to pray for our family as we prepare, and for our brothers and sisters that we will minister with.
·       Commit to advocating for us. Help come alongside us by inviting us to meet others that you know who may be interested in joining our partnership team.
To make a commitment or donate online, go to:
To donate by mail, send a check and your commitment information to
Kids Alive International
2507 Cumberland Drive
Valparaiso IN 46383
(Please include our name in the memo of the check or fill out blue card and send in).
Or to donate by phone, call: 1-800-543-7330

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Zambia Bound!

February Newsletter

February 2, 2015
Hello Friends and Family,
We are doing great and have been very busy with life, work and trying to find time to plan for our lives on the mission field. Despite the occasional feelings of discouragement, whether from fundraising or lack of time, we cannot wait to get back to Zambia. It feels like the Lord caused us to leave our hearts over there.  We want to thank all of you for your support, whether financial or prayerfully. We could not do this without you.
            As we press toward the goal of moving to Zambia, we are excited to share some of what God has laid on our hearts. The orphans and at risk children in Zambia are in dire need of food, leadership, education and the gospel. In Zambia, Kids Alive has six children’s schools, a day program, as well as a program in the capital Lusaka that focuses on keeping the families together. There is a large HIV/Aids problem in Zambia and it has left over 600,000 children as orphans. A majority of the middle class is illiterate or has died from HIV, so there is not much on the side of leadership and as a result the strength of the family unit has suffered greatly. The Lord has laid it on our hearts to minister to these orphans, first by meeting their practical needs like food and education and that will give us a door to share the gospel with them. These children are precious to Jesus and as such should be precious to us.
We look forward to serving in many different capacities and filling many roles while in Zambia.  I (Brandon) will be doing maintenance and construction as well as working with the youth and mentoring.  With our experience as foster parents and the training we received while ministering we feel the Lord leading us to help train and equip the house parents to better care for the abandoned, abused and neglected children in their homes.  We are excited to go and be a part of what God is doing in and through the Kids Alive staff.
  In our family, we are glad to welcome our fifth child, Jediah Samuel who was born December 23, 2014.  What a wonderful Christmas present he was!  We are all enjoying this wonderful gift the Lord has given us.  This is an answer to our son Josiah’s prayer for the last 5 years, as he has been asking God for a brother. He is so excited, as all of us are.
Please keep us in your prayers as we seek guidance and direction regarding the rest of our fundraising.  If you have any prayer requests please let us know and will stand with you in prayer. We are excited to be moving forward and look forward to being on the field serving in Zambia.   Our goal is to be in Zambia this time next year.  Will you help be the “push” and be a part of the resources to get us on the field? We cannot go without the body of Christ in action.  Will you partner with us in being the hands and feet of Jesus in a very real and practical way?  If you know of a church, small group, bible study we can share with, or would just like to sit down and talk with us, we would love to come share our hearts with you about the vision He has given us in serving in Zambia. 
In His Service,
The Fullers

Our budget is divided up into “Startup Costs” and “Monthly Costs”. We also need a team of people who will commit to pray and advocate for us. Our time for leaving may seem far away, but we need to be preparing. Part of that is discovering now who will stand with us in this journey of ministry. There are several ways you can partner with us:

·       Commit to give a special gift toward our startup costs. 

·       Commit to give monthly.  While we are preparing to go, these funds will help cover our          startup costs. When we move to Zambia, these will help sustain our family and                      ministry.

·       Commit to pray for our family as we prepare, and for our brothers and sisters that we             will minister with.

·       Commit to advocating for us. Help come alongside us by inviting us to meet others                 that you know who may be interested in joining our partnership team.
To make a commitment or donate online, go to:

To donate by mail, send a check and your commitment information to:
Kids Alive International
2507 Cumberland Drive
Valparaiso IN 46383

Or to donate by phone, call: 1-800-543-7330